Female Tiefling Planar
9th Level Ranger
Believers of the Source (factotum)
Neutral Good
Str: 14 Int: 13 HP: 46
Dex: 16 Wis: 14 AC: 4
Con: 14 Cha: 10 THAC0: 12
Leather Armor +2 (Sigil)
Spells/Level: 2
Has Standard Ranger, Tiefling and Faction Abilities
Source: 2nd Edition AD&D 2611, The Factol's Manifesto, page 20
Ed's Notes: A Godsman who specializes in the care for and healing of animals. An excellent source for information about almost any kind of living creature, and always happy to administer care to one. Just be wary of her long speeches about the suffering of animals and the cruelty inflicted on them by sentient beings. (She's basically PETA in the Planes.)
She a twin sister, Zakarias, in the Senates. They HATE each other, but Zena occasionally gains access to the Sensates inner circles by impersonating her twin:
Female Tiefling Planar
9th Level Ranger
Society of Sensation (factotum)
Neutral Good
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